Jun 2, 2011

Little Little Miss M is TWO!!!

Over the last week my little bubba turned two...

The time has flown and I cannot believe that she really is no longer a baby but a beautiful young girl with such amazing character and personality...

She is very physical in nature and likes to be hands on... affectionate and loving...

She is wilful and stubborn... which I'm sure will mean that later in life she will be determined and driven...

She has a curious streak and must know how everything works by opening it, shutting it, dropping it, pulling it apart and banging it about a bit...

She is not happy to accept things merely to look at... which I think will translate to a healthy want to find out what makes things tick...

I love the little personality that I can see developing before me, I love the uniqueness of all her quirks and traits....

She is expressive beyond words (which she uses little of at this point)... I love that her eyes tell a story... or give away the mischief...

I am thankful for all the moments that are created... for its the moments that make the memories!

my little pumpkin... 
I wish you every happiness and for you to know that you are ALWAYS loved...
for every moment of every day... for all eternity xoxo

So now, what's a birthday if there's no cake???
There MUST always be cake!

I made some ice cream cone cupcakes and a little cake to take to her playgroup...

For my first attempt at these wonderful little individual cakes I'm pretty happy how they turned out! So easy to make but still pretty impressive (and the kids just loved having their own cone to eat!).
I wrote Little Little Miss M's name across the cake... and if you're wondering why it's looking a little blank it's because I have edited the name from the photo for personal reasons ☺

I might add the recipe and 'how to' for these fabulous cakes in the next couple of days if you'd like to know how to recreate them (I certainly didn't come up with the idea but can give you the how to on how I have made my ones)... Let me know and I'll get onto it!

I also made another 'official' cake for our home celebration on her actual birthday...

It was only a family affair this year (after all she is only two... )

Each year I love creating a different cake for my girls, but at the moment I make the same kind of cake but different designs for each of my girls...

For their first birthday it was princess cakes with the doll (dolly varden style cake)...

Second birthdays were castles... (as you can see from Little Little Miss M's castle cake)...

Big Little Miss M's third birthday was a carousel cake ... (and her fourth which is in about 3 weeks is coming up soon... I know what I'm making but you'll have to wait and see and check back sooner to the date to see a preview or catch a hint at that one!)

I love the thrill and excitement and the way their eyes light up when they see their cake... it makes it more than worth the effort!

This castle cake was a fairly straight forward and quick to put together cake... but I think it still looks impressive enough (especially to a big two year old!)

Cheers till next time xoxo


  1. That castle looks impressive even to a big person like me! I love all the detail and the hundreds and thousands make it all the more magical. Happy Birthday to Miss Two!

  2. Happy birthday Little Little Miss M :)


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